A New Mommyhood Blog “MomEtc” Has Just Been Launched

(PRWEB) May 12, 2015

A new mommyhood blog titled MomEtc has just been launched. The website is owned by Monika Tournaud. She is a mother of one 10 month old and a wife. She describes herself on the website as “a warrior in all the aspects of life”. Her main reason for creating the website was to share her experiences as a mother and a wife with the world. As well as to empower women one blog post at a time. The website is so easy to use because of its great navigation. It covers a variety of topics that affect modern moms including fitness, beauty, health, marriage etc. MomEtc was launched in Feb 2015 but it has already received over 10k views. Despite being only 12 weeks old, MomEtc has already been accepted into the Top Mommy Blogs directory where she ranks #122 in the overall directory & #4 in her category.

Monika Tournaud is the only writer on the blog. She covers a wide range of topics that many women can identify with. She uses a personal tone and describes her life and experiences in detail to the readers of the blog. She talks about the challenges of motherhood and how they have changed her into a better person. She promises her readers to share all the things that she discovers as she strives to better her family.

A host of issues related to fitness have been covered in the fitness category. Monika Tournaud writes about many things in this category, from fitness during pregnancy to healthy eating and staying fit after pregnancy. This makes MomEtc a great resource for any woman looking for advice from a woman who managed to stay fit throughout the period of pregnancy & postpartum. She also gives advice on how women can stay shape after giving birth. She covers all matters fitness, from a healthy diet to exercises that can help moms stay in shape. The best part of it is the fact that she writes from her own personal experiences. She talks about the things that she has experienced first-hand.

The beauty category covers the issues related to the beauty of moms. She writes about makeup, diet, skin conditions and other issues that affect the beauty of moms or soon to be moms. She shares her makeup tips with her readers and her personal struggles with her skin. Basically, this section of the blog aims to cover all matters related to appearance. She talks about stretch marks and her encounter with Melasma. She also talks about the products that she uses to keep herself looking good at all times.

Monika Tournaud also writes about her life in the lifestyle category. She writes about her life as a mum and as a wife. She writes about her daughter and the struggles that she goes through as she strives to be the best mother to her. She also shares how she manages to maintain a strong relationship with her husband despite the challenges of being a new mom.

To learn more about the newly launched MomEtc website, feel free to visit it at http://www.mometc.com

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