Why Choose HOLISTIC baby masSage WITH SAM?

I trained and became an accredited Baby Massage and Baby Yoga (Chester) Teacher in 2012 when my own children were very young, running private classes in Chester and in local Children’s Centre’s for 8 years, until the Covid era. From 2024 my Holistic Baby Massage classes provide a unique opportunity for you and your little one to bond and spend quality nurturing time together in a relaxed safe space, partaking in the wellbeing benefits of both baby massage and a guided healing meditation.

Baby Mummy Time runs Holistic Baby Massage Classes near Upton, Chester UK, usually on a Tuesday late morning.

The 1 hour sessions run once a week and you will learn by the end of the 4 or 5 week course the whole head to toe baby massage routine at a gentle pace for your baby, plus there is time for feeding, chatting & a relaxing healing guided meditation to finish, which will give you a reset and boost for your week ahead and allow your baby to feel your relaxed revitalized energy whilst cuddling post feed, this will greatly benefit your wellbeing, mind, body & energy and pass to your precious baby through you.

The setting is a safe relaxed environment and classes are suitable from 2 weeks old to around 5/6 months, then of course keep massaging your baby for as many months as they will allow. The earlier you get started with Baby Massage the better, make this your first class with your gorgeous newborn.

Investment in your precious Baby & You : £55

Go to Book Now below for next course dates and to book

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Baby Massage

Baby Massage (Chester) provides nurturing and bonding time with your baby & provides a unique opportunity for you and your little one to relax together and spend quality nurturing time in a relaxed environment.


About Sam

I am a fully accredited Baby Massage Teacher as well as a Reiki Master Practitioner, Quantum Healing Facilitator, Meditation Guide, Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapist and of course a mum, wife, aunt, sister, daughter and friend



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