Baby Teething Advice

The ‘first time’ for everything is usually greeted by rapturous joy and smiles all round for parent, baby and anyone else present for the first feeding, first steps and of course the holy grail of childhood, their first word. Unfortunately, not every occasion can be greeted with the same celebration. Teething, or the process of an infant or child developing their milk teeth, can be a difficult time for the child, and the negative effects can often require plenty of care and loving attention from the parent.

Developing Front Teeth
The lower central incisors are the first ones to push through – that tiny lonesome tooth at the bottom gum at the very front of the mouth. From there, many teeth around that soon follow. The dull ache of growing pains from teething can often cause a depressive mood amongst babies, even if they have a tooth or teeth present from birth. Normally, though, expect the first tooth to make a breakthrough at 3 months at the very earliest, though they may start as late as their first birthday. However once they begin, always make sure they get a light brush every day to help them grow strong.

Teething toys, Gum Toys and teething rings. Rings
There’s a common misconception that a baby’s desire for excessive chewing is harmful to developing teeth – this is only the case if the object they’re chewing can break easily or are simply not recommended for little mouths.

Teething rings are ideal to double up as toys for a leisurely chomp – especially at the high chair before feeding time. The chewing will give them something to help develop the gums, even if the bad mood fails to lift – though if for whatever reason your baby is in obvious pain, even with a Teething rings for relief, it’s best to consult a GP as soon as possible.

Healthy Teeth
One of the main concerns for many parents has been worrying over the suitability of foods, especially if many teeth begin coming through when your baby has only just been weaned on to solid food.

Bickiepegs are an ideal solution here – essentially, these are biscuits that are neutral from any additives, using an easy-to-chew consistency and natural ingredients, they serve as a healthy snack and double-up as a pain relief for breaking gums. It’s best to keep on trying with other basic baby foods rather than use the biscuit as a total substitute, but the neat hole in the middle allows you to tie the biscuit to the baby’s wrist, letting them take a bite whenever they want.

Olivers Babycare, complete online baby store has been in the nursery business since 1993 and only sell baby products they trust and think you’ll love. For further information please visit Olivers Babycare.

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