How to Stop Colic in New Born Babies

If you are expecting a baby, it is most likely that you are filled with excitement for a new addition to your family. This excitement, however, can turn into a nightmare once your baby starts showing different problems that you are unaware of before. A colic baby can be very distressing for both the parent and child.

For the first-time moms, this is going to give them sleepless nights, in the same way as the baby will not be able to get the right amount of sleep meant for new borns. One of the most common problems would be with regards to breastfeeding as milk may not come out naturally. Feeding the baby also can be challenging. More so, another common problem is the incessant crying of a baby, which is otherwise technically known as colic. If you are wondering how to stop colic in new born babies, keep on reading and you will be able to find the solution you have been looking for.

What Is Colic?

Before discussing how to stop colic in new born babies, it is important to first have an understanding of what it means. Colic refers to the uncontrollable crying in babies, which happens even if they are in a healthy state. If this condition is experienced, there is no need to worry too much as this is a normal condition, which is believed to be experienced by at least 20% of babies during the first few weeks after their birth. This condition can be experienced until the baby is four months old. From The Italian Journal of Paediatrics, such paroxysms of crying, is said to last for more than three hours in a day.

Although colic can send an alarm to most parents, according to experts, there is nothing to be worried about as this is not dangerous in any way. In one study published from The Journal of Family Practice, colic has been described as ubiquitous and frustrating. Even in spite of many years of studies, the ideal treatment still remains to be elusive to this point and is has been asserted that there is a critical need for the discovery of evidence-based treatment options.

In addition, understanding how to stop colic in new born babies will also require the need to be aware of its different symptoms. Aside from intense crying, colic symptoms can also include abnormalities in the baby’s posture, problems with sleeping, and gassy tummy, among others.

Different Methods of Stopping Colic in a Baby

For those who are wondering how to stop colic in new born babies, one of the most common solutions would be with regards to diet. In a study published by the Italian Journal of Paediatrics, it has been emphasised that the diet of the mother should be given importance as it will have an impact on the health of the baby, and hence, on colic. Based on current evidences, there is a very strong link between dietary modifications and the reduction of incessant crying amongst babies. Although the evidences are conflicting, it I still believed that diet amongst breastfeeding mothers is one of the most effective in halting colic.

More so, according to Kajsa Landgren, in a research published at Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, traditional Chinese medicine can also be a promising option on how to stop colic in new born babies, especially in the form of acupuncture. It is a relatively new solution but touted as a promising one. Nonetheless, because of the sensitivity of infants, it is important for such to be done only by qualified professionals and one might be interested in the exploration of other available options colic cures

Acupuncture is also believed to be an attractive option with regards to how to stop colic in new born babies. First, you will need to put oil or cream on your hand and glide it over on the skin of the baby. Stroke from the tummy in a clockwise direction; the direction is such because this is the direction of the intestines of the baby. Because of this, trapped wind and poo will be eradicated right away, and crying is expected to stop right there and then. The tummy massage can be done up to four times in a day. In one article from the Journal of Rawalpindi Medical College, this belief has been asserted, showing that the crying time amongst new-borns have been reduced after being given a massage. More so, from the International Journal of Nursing Practice, aside from massage, the use of aromatherapy has been investigated to shed light on people who are wondering how to stop colic in new born babies. The study concluded that aromatherapy massage, specifically with the use of lavender oil, is effective in the reduction of colic symptoms.

Childcare experts who get asked on how to stop colic in new born babies often recommend swaddling as an effective solution as well. Being considered as a universal child-care practice that has been present for centuries, which will require them to be wrapped in a blanket and will make them feel secured. For the baby, swaddling will remind a feeling of being back in your womb because of being tight and warm.

Playing slow, and soothing music can also be an effective option on how to stop colic in new born babies. Music alone, however, may not be enough. In a study published at the Italian Journal of Paediatrics, it has been recommended that soothing music should be accompanied with parental attention, such as in the case of touching, eye contact, and walking.

With the variety of solutions available with regards to how to stop colic in new born babies, it is important to resort only to natural alternatives that will not be harmful for your baby in any way, such as in the case of massage. There are several recommendations on drug interventions, but such are never recommended by medical experts as babies will be sensitive towards medications at such a young age. If the problem becomes out of your control, it is always a good idea to consider professional consultation so you will know the best that can be done.

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