Latest New Dad Advice News

Tackling an Elephant: 5 Steps to a Predictive Safety Culture
The beginning of a new year often means that many of us are preparing our resolutions. Whether your resolution … Having a small child at home, I'll pull out some of my dad advice when it comes to developing a plan to achieve something. How do you eat …
Read more on EHS Today

Save the Bunnies!
In which a veteran of cultural studies seminars in the 1990s moves into academic administration and finds himself a married suburban father of two. Foucault, plus lawn care. Save the Bunnies! January 29, 2016 – 3:49am …
Read more on Inside Higher Ed (blog)

14 things you'll only know if you're a far too honest person
Do you ever wonder why people say 'honesty is the best policy', yet when you tell the truth, you're accused of being rude? You've learned to hold back when you need to – but it doesn't come naturally. TBH, you just have a natural urge to tell it like …
Read more on Metro

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Baby Clothes: Long And Lean

Baby Clothes: Long And Lean

Confused with the following sentence Long and Lean baby clothes? Well, this article works both ways, to reduce the...