Latest Newborn Health Advice News

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As the mom of a newborn, there were so many times I wanted to call my pediatrician to check on a symptom. Or ask a … But I didn't appreciate being teased or chastised for bringing my 7-month-old in, especially on the advice of our actual doctor. It …
Read more on Momtastic (blog)

Should Surgery Wait? How Anesthesia Affects Kids
Thanks to advances in medicine, premature babies and others born with complications are more likely than ever to live full, healthy lives. But this also means more infants and toddlers will need surgery – and general anesthesia. The potential for long …
Read more on U.S. News & World Report

The terrifying reason you SHOULDN'T let visitors kiss…
Whilst coldsores may not prove to be a significant health problem for adults, babies, particularly those under the age of 6 weeks, have weaker immune systems, meaning that the herpes virus can cause complications including brain and liver damage.
Read more on goodtoknow

Smoking and pregnancy: understanding the risks
… smokes has been shown to make it harder for pregnant women to quit, and increases the likelihood of relapse in mothers to be who do manage to quit.7 Partner smoking also magnifies the potential risk to the fetus or newborn baby of the harms …
Read more on Nursing in Practice

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Baby Clothes: Long And Lean

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