Survey reveals top pregnancy tips and myths from new mums

(PRWEB UK) 24 February 2015

A recent survey of new mums has compiled the top tips and bits of advice they wish they’d known when pregnant, as well as the wide variety of (sometimes outlandish) pregnancy myths that are still in circulation.

Over 100 new mothers responded to the survey by C&G Baby Club, which examined the amount and quality of information that first-time parents in particular felt they received during their pregnancy. Over half of the new mums who responded (55.9%) felt they had received sufficient information about their pregnancy, while 65.3% said they were able to get all the information they needed from books, articles and first-hand accounts by family and friends.

The survey also asked what bit of information or advice the new mothers wished they’d known at the outset of their pregnancy. Common responses included

the importance of catching up on sleep and focusing on your relationship, social life and hobbies while you still have the time
learning that there’s a much wider variety of pregnancy symptoms than most people assume, and the impact they can have on your everyday life – plus practical tips on how to deal with them
the value of having a support network of other new parents in a similar situation
how much recovery is sometimes needed after giving birth

When asked what advice they’d give to other first-time mothers, many of the respondents focused on staying relaxed, resting up and trusting your instincts. The responses included gems such as

“Relax more. Babies will just do what babies do. Don’t feel you need to read every book…like anything, it’s experience that matters.”
“Listen to all the advice from books, TV, internet, friends, family and complete strangers. Then take what works for you and toss the rest.”
“Don’t worry about the birth. It’s going to happen regardless of your worrying and probably not the way you planned!”

“Rest and enjoy the quiet and attention they get as it all changes once baby is born and it’ll be years before you get proper sleep again! Also don’t buy expensive clothes, as they outgrow them so quickly, it’s just not worth it.”
“Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Your entire body (and life) is changing, it’s normal to want to know about every little thing that is going on.”
“Cook and freeze meals – the first few weeks are a tiring blur!”
“You know best – follow your gut and trust your instincts, this will come naturally!”

The survey also highlighted the many common pregnancy myths still in circulation, as well as some more whimsical variations – many of which dealt with predicting the sex of the unborn baby. When asked about the most unusual pregnancy myths they’d encountered, the responses included

You can predict the baby’s sex by attaching a ring to a piece of hair or string and dangling it over your bump – the direction of the swing indicates whether the baby’s a boy or a girl
Having heartburn during pregnancy indicates that your baby will be hairy
Raising your arms over your head during pregnancy can cause the umbilical cord to wrap around the baby’s neck
Craving sweets means the baby’s a girl, while craving savoury or protein means it’s a boy
If the baby’s heartbeat sounds like a train during the ultrasound, it’s a girl, but if it sounds like a galloping horse, it’s a boy.

To find out more about the survey and see more results, visit


Notes for editors

C&G Baby Club was formed by Cow & Gate to provide support and advice for new mums and mums-to-be from the beginning of their pregnancy, right through to the toddler years.

Club members can sign up to receive emails and postal packs tailored to their baby’s stage, as well as access one-to-one support through the 24-hour Careline.

The club also provides a forum through which mums can share stories and tips with other new parents, helping establish valuable connections for mutual support and encouragement during pregnancy and baby’s early years.

PR Contact:

Victoria Stanton

Outreach & Engagement Manager, DigitasLBi


+44 0131 561 1795

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