New Mums Need Advice On How To Lose Baby Weight

An alarming 61 per cent of women questioned said they felt midwives had no time to give them advice about what they should be eating both before and after they’d given birth and 84 per cent said the advice they did get was poor.
The survey also discovered that almost two-thirds of new mothers said they felt a degree of coercion to diet to their original size as soon as possible.
However, experts have warned that trying to achieve your pre-baby body through crash dieting is extremely unhealthy and can leave mothers feeling tired and too exhausted to take care of their baby.
Janet Fyle, a midwife and policy adviser at the Royal College of Midwives, said: “Crash dieting has health consequences.  Women are going to feel very tired, they are not going to be able to look after their baby and they won’t be able to properly recover from pregnancy. They should eat normally for the first six months.”
Those who are looking to get their pre-baby body back should come for a consultation with an expert surgeon at The Hospital Group.
The Hospital Group offer a range of cosmetic procedures to help people achieve the perfect body, including tummy tucks and liposuction to zap away fat from stubborn areas and breast augmentation and breast enlargement for a curvy and womanly shape.
David Ross, Chief executive of The Hospital Group, which has 19 clinics across the UK said: “We have seen a large increase in the amount of people who are coming in to help them get their body back in shape. Often women want to shift excess weight which hangs around their stomach or improve their breasts with uplift after they have lost volume through breast feeding.
“Getting a little help to make you look and feel your best can make a huge difference to the way you feel. It can help you feel more confident and allow you to lead a much fuller and happier lifestyle.”

For more information please visit

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