'Sleep While the Baby Sleeps' and Other Unhelpful Advice

'Sleep While the Baby Sleeps' and Other Unhelpful Advice
After the first baby, all those people who have walked in our shoes give us that helpful advice: "Sleep when the baby sleeps." And if you're like me, you don't realize they're serious until you've spent 60 hours awake. People also give this advice …
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Immigration department defied advice not to transfer babies back to Nauru
A baby was sent to the Australian-run detention centre on Nauru in defiance of advice given to the immigration department, Guardian Australia has learned. Last week the immigration department began its first transfer of an infant born into detention in …
Read more on The Guardian

Baby P killer Jason Owen 'working as life coach offering fitness advice under
Baby P killer Jason Owen is working as a life coach and offering fitness advice under his new identity, it has been reported. Owen was jailed for six years for the torture of 17-month-old Peter Connelly six years ago, a brutal crime that shocked the …
Read more on Mirror.co.uk

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