Latest Newborn Medical Advice News

CDC tells women no drinking without birth control That's the recommendation U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made this week with overwhelming evidence that alcohol consumption during pregnancy, even before the woman knows she's pregnant, poses...

Latest Baby Medical Advice News

Think twice about where you get your baby advice A study of over 1,000 mothers released in the journal Pediatrics July 27 by the American Academy of Pediatrics found that many mothers reported receiving inaccurate and conflicting advice on caring for a new baby from...

Latest Newborn Medical Advice News

Jessa Duggar Needed Medical Assistance for Home Birth of Her First Baby But photos on the Seewald family blog show new dad Ben Seewald holding their newborn son, who is wrapped in a towel, while in front of a home closet. The Daily …. Yes, home birth was common...

Latest Newborn Medical Advice News

A pro-life conversation guide for the holidays The following remains my favorite advice how to promote the cause of life in an effective and non-offensive manner. My only … When faced with an argument or reason for abortion, ask yourself whether it works to...