by Baby Mummy Time x | Baby Blog
How to Improve Pregnancy Care in Mississippi … to have her first child naturally. She was 20 years old at the time, so she trusted her doctor's advice. … Roberts trusted her doctor again, understanding that medical intervention can in some cases keep a...
by Baby Mummy Time x | Baby Blog
(PRWEB UK) 24 February 2015 A recent survey of new mums has compiled the top tips and bits of advice they wish they’d known when pregnant, as well as the wide variety of (sometimes outlandish) pregnancy myths that are still in circulation.
Over 100 new mothers...
by Baby Mummy Time x | Baby Massage |Baby Yoga Blog
Hormonal Changes | Foods to avoid during pregnancy Due to pregnancy hormonal changes, there are certain foods that need to be avoided in a pregnant mother because her immunity level drops down and that should have an impact on baby’s health. Some of the foods...